I recently came across this YouTube comedian Emily Hart from the UK. @emilyhartidge on Twitter. She delivers these "10 Reasons Why..." videos on a wide range of topics. She's funny, goofy, witty and yet, still remarkably sexy. At least she makes you wonder if she can stop joking long enough to have sex. Admittedly, I'm fascinated by her...perhaps even slightly obsessed ever since I found out about her YouTube page. Cosmo's nominated her for Blog of the Year. Here's one of her more....stimulating creations. "10 Reasons Why You Should Have Sex Every Day" And by "You" she means Women! Amazing. Cause really, guys already know why they should. In part, this is what makes Emily so fascinating and charming. She's trying to educate as well as amuse both sexes. I think I'm in love. Watch the clip.