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Monday, September 3, 2012

A New York Love Affair

I currently live in Los Angeles, previously lived in New York City; and after recently visiting there, I can unequivocally say love blossoms in New York....and dies in LA.

New York City is far more romantic, beautiful, inspiring....and most importantly, passionate.  Everywhere you look there's something special to see, touch....smell. A casual stroll through Central Park or along the Hudson River on a sun splashed afternoon will offer the best in New York romance. Young lovers holding hands or kissing on a park bench or resting in each other's arms on a grassy patch are seemingly all around.  In Los Angeles, you have to search far and wide to find anyone who resembles a couple in love. Why is that? 

Is it because in the city of angels no one declares anything with conviction or certainty? Everyone operates on a "maybe". In other words, all options remain on the table, so you better not fall in love.  LA is a soulless town of make believe and insincerity. It's fake. Nothing is real. Not even the beautiful blue sky which arrives via smog filled air and Hollywood special effects (must be right?) is legit.  Truth be told, people in Los Angeles care more about their "credits" than they do their "hearts". If Los Angeles is all about the individual then New York is all about us. Two hearts are better than one. And New York understands that more than any place in the country.

LA is the unsure sister to New York's determined brother. She's fragile, mysterious and confused, while he's aggressive, persistent, courageous and open. Her knows what he wants and doesn't hold back. He just goes for it.

Film and TV have long romanticized New York.  All you have to do is visit once and you'll understand  the reasons with Hollywood's fascination with its coastal counterpart. Here's some "real" loving snapshots I took on my recent trip.

Actually, this one was taken in Los Angeles!  But only further proves my point. Even in LA people are loving NYC!

And then there's this classic signage shot I took in New York to flirt with a girl I was texting with in LA........ 

I sent her the photo before we ever went out, while I was visiting New York. Her last name was Madison.  She thought it was funny and liked it a lot...I was trying in my own charming way to be romantic....that's what New York brings out of you. At any rate...when we did eventually go out the sign must have worked.  Sparks flew between us and it turned out to be the most enjoyable first date I ever had...she even held my hand as we walked down the street to my car after we had a long make-out session in hers....and this took place in LA if you can believe it!  But as LA is, this romance was d.o.a.  She killed it before ever giving us a chance. Perhaps if we had gone out in New York we'd still be dating.

While women may like to believe they're the "romantic"'s usually up to the man to make the romance. Plan the day, set the mood, etc.....Woman want to be romanced, but men are the ones actually doing it. So I ask, where do you romance in LA? "The Grove?" Malibu at sunset? A hike through a canyon? Hardly.  Nothing compares to losing yourself in a park in New York or night. 

I once flew to New York specifically for a first date...lunch, early evening walk through the park. We ended up on a bench under a lamp post when a light rain began to fall. It was an only in New York kind of day.

If you love New York it will most certainly love you back. Take it from a guy who knows.