If you've been reading this blog at all, by know, you should believe that "boys don't cry" is complete bullshit. Trust me. Just cause tears aren't running down our face, we can still make it rain on the inside.
Yes, we're some horny motherf'ers who get physically turned on at the first sight of our favorite female body part...but it doesn't last....very long....very long at all....certainly never long enough. What does last is how you make us feel.
How you make us feel when you laugh at our stupid jokes or our silly attempt at quick witted humor.
How you make us feel when we talk to you....and you listen.
How you make us feel when we feel like shit.
How you make us feel when you text us that you miss us or you can't wait to us....or you need to see us.
How you make us feel when you just answer the phone and say Hi when we call.
How you make us feel when we walk into a room.
Believe what you want, but the tough guy act is just that.