Pride is recognized as the most deadliest of all sins. Why? Because it has to do with an over infatuation with yourself. And in the story of Lucifer, who was so in love with himself, he thought he could compete with God, ultimately failing and falling from Heaven, which lead to his transformation to Satan.
I've heard plenty of people say that you can't love someone else if you don't love yourself first. Making yourself more important than another is something that masters pride, but fails at love. Loving yourself in such a way breeds selfishness, disregard for others and a supreme confidence that makes you feel better than everyone else. Newsflash. You're not. Sure you may be a wonderful person, but to think you're so much more wonderful than the person beside you breeds pure evil.
Humility, the counter virtue to Pride, is what you need. Not that you should think any less of yourself, just that you think of yourself less. Removes the focus from you. I always found women who treat men poorly tend to be the most selfish, narcissistic ones.
It's time for a self examination. Be faithful to promises. And offer more credit to those who deserve it. Love yourself all you want, but not at the expense of others. You're never as important or as wonderful as you think you are.